Recovering Uzumakia

He will face the fiercest foe
when another needs his aid,
He will dare to defy Death
even though he is afraid,
He works not just for glory
and he does it not for gain,
But because he knows that others
will be spared a greater pain."
— Quest for Glory II: Trial By Fire

From the Author:

Deep down I believe something I might call the Hawking Phenomenon.

In the moving picture show of life, it seems there will be a catastrophe equal to one's opportunity: An unfair and cruel event that conspires and takes revenge upon a person.

I cautiously am expectant of a future in which there is a high possibility of it.

In watching the lives of successful people, I see another principle, there is a high probability that a person you want to have see your success likely will not be there to see it when it comes. In this sense, you can't reach Lazarus in time.

I try to play against these odds and finish the things I want to build in the shortest amount of time and iterate upon them later.

I'm also perfectly fine with being wrong about this cynical take.

I don't believe in the story of the age.

The way I see it, there is always an unreal surface story in the public and a hidden story known within the hearts of the good.

We don't see Christ's story like this because we are in the future, but it is the same.

There is a surface-level story in the mind,

in which a crazy man was executed by the mob and made a fool and a spectacle. These are the stories the people talk about, the story of the age, the story of the Times Magazine.

Then, there is a hidden story in the hearts of the people

of a man who rides a donkey through the streets of the poor people.

I will tell you this: The story of the man going through the city on a donkey is not published by The New York Times. This story is only known by living hearts.

It is always this way.

Reply: "You could just say that the symbolism related to these stories is no longer applicable to the way we live our lives."

The story is eternally applicable to the outsider/creative because it's the same story in every creative's life.

The All-Loving Hero

The All-Loving Hero - Trope

"This character, simply put, loves everyone. Loves them with a deep, spiritual love that means they will shake heaven and earth, destroy gods and planets, bring nations to their knees, etc. for the person they just met yesterday.

They will believe the best of everyone, and constantly give someone a second chance (though they will defeat the Big Bad). They repay cruelty with kindness and anger with calm. They are the ones who will suffer for the sins of their loved ones. Most people think they're insane, but somehow they pull it off.

On the Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism, All-Loving Hero is a heavily idealistic character. Even in a dark world, they are ideal. They will always say Silly Rabbit, Cynicism Is for Losers! and inspire hope.

Their every step causes flowers to bloom. Their circle of friends are in awe of them, if not somewhat in love with them.

They'll even attract an Anti-Hero or two who will stick around so they can figure out what drugs this person is taking — and where they can get some.

In their hands, The Power of Love and The Power of Friendship can be an awesome force, they may be the standard-bearer for the message that You Are Not AloneYou Are Better Than You Think You Are and if anything can redeem a person against the odds by showing them the light of goodness, it will probably be the All-Loving Hero.

The Fool is sometimes the infant state of All-Loving Hero doubled as the Idiot Hero. A Magnetic Hero has the intangible quality of earning respect and followers..

[The Fool has no idea what they're doing, has a dim idea at best who their enemies are or whether they are in danger, and has only their cheerful disposition to protect them. That and the blessing of Lady Luck herself.]

[The Idiot Hero is a common character in action series. Often, they are both The Protagonist and the central character of the narrative. They will frequently use the Indy Ploy, will be too stupid to be afraid of imminent peril, and will often have a short memory span. Despite all of this, they are the most effective member of the cast at fighting. They will also usually be the leader of a tight-knit group of characters, despite the fact they don't have the brains to lead a cat out of a paper bag. This is because they are so stupid as to be incorruptible, and has the ability to maintain a childlike innocence and faith in people that inspires those around them.]

This trope is not about Jesus-analogues; that's Messianic Archetype. While they and All-Loving Hero sometimes overlap, a character with the Messianic Archetype can be far-flung from being All-Loving Hero in mind and behavior." - TV Tropes

..This archetype is just like Naruto.

Naruto isn't even real, and yet, he's an eternally applicable character for a creative.

Reply: "Idk, for someone who hasn't seen Naruto, if you used it in context where you specifically relate it to an archetype, I probably wouldn't get it unless I understood it through an implicit context."

Naruto and similar is like an archetype of a person who:

  • is The All-Loving Hero
  • is The Fool and Idiot Hero
  • Creates his own tribe as the Magnetic Hero
  • Has no skills but has will and long term focus,
  • Is abandoned and an outsider,
  • Is the last survivor of his childhood,
  • Is hated for reasons he doesn't know why, [there's a monster inside of him and people blame him for chaos to the village from the time of his birth]
  • Is offensive and too much of an ego,
  • Resorts to clown behavior and deviance in youth,
  • Difficulty in relationships,
  • Extreme insecurity and self-consciousness from fear of inadequacy
  • Strives for the same attention and validation others have but is systematically deprived of it without knowing why [often observed in real life from unconscious racism]
  • Most likely believes he can't help anyone
  • Shows up when it actually matters,
  • Has the courage to help his friends,
  • And the courage to reach out to those that are suffering alone
    and had no one their whole lives including villains,
  • Which ends up making him the secret inspiration of many people's lives,
    as they secretly hope to gain the courage to reach out to others as Naruto is able to.


"In my eyes, it seems like you are basically trying to analyze what I see as the outcast archetype"

Susanna Barlow writes:

Some historical Outsiders include Robin Williams, Shakespeare, Steve Jobs, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Albert Einstein.

At some point the outcast and the messianic principle and the creative artist overlap in archetypes, detailing a common thread in personality and story. The authors who have realized this have written about it to themselves as the other authors.

And it's an important story because it is easy for this type to swing the other direction.


"In my opinion those kinds of stories are written to basically try and push the idea that you shouldn't dismiss outcasts because they might be disruptive. And it's basically yelled at you because its really easy to push people away just because they seem different. And they might not directly gel well with others. I think it's naturally human to want to shine a positive light on everything."

As the outsider, it's a future outsider warning what happens, the world reacts negatively to any change agent and attempts to first kill a threat of change at birth and then later again–And if you can survive long enough then there may be actual change. It's like a survival manual for an incredibly dangerous game.

What's more dangerous for the outsider and the world than anything is the risk of becoming a black hole because a hurt, destructive, disruptive change agent can cause plenty of chaos once they are strong enough to do so.

One deeper theme I'm remembering in Naruto is that he and others recognize that it's an anomaly that he didn't become villainous due to his upbringing.

Naruto often recognizes that it was a fluke that he happened to have a few kind people around him throughout his life, and that changed who he became.

It's often recognized that the villains didn't get that luck and were alone until adulthood.

And Naruto recognizes that he owes that as a debt in a way because he understands the necessity of it.

He knows the cost of it. He knows what can be the outcome if he abandons a person in need to the darkness of isolation.

Relates to the cost of being vulnerable and real and authentic at the direct cost of another person's outcome.

There's a direct necessity to be authentic.

A reason for the courage to face rejection,

especially from a villain who is almost guaranteed to reject you.

If Naruto Asked Me For A Book Recommendation

I'd mention that while he has developed strong skills, he's held back in many ways.
I'd recommend these first:

Easy to read. Lacking in methods.
Harder to read. Has useful methods.