Are You The Omnidirectional Knower? PART II

Are You The Omnidirectional Knower? PART II

Read Part I

Out of all of this, which one am I?

Of course, it does go deeper.

Now, if you've ever gotten into Non-Duality, Advaita, such as the material of the YouTuber and Artist Frank Yang, this is where it starts to go deep.

In Frank's content, he identifies that which we find that we are and identify with.

Frank Yang's 'Map of Integration'

In Part 1 of this article,

  • Jiddu said, You're the Knower and the Known.
  • Tara said, in essence, I am the Awareness.
  • Jack said, abide in the Knower.
  • Osho said, be the Witness.
  • Alan Watts said, I am That.

If you are like most seekers who have read the words of masters of spirituality, then you have likely been confused about different teachers saying different things.

One teacher says, you are This. The next teacher says, no, you are not even that.

A teacher will say, you are beyond even the awareness.

You are beyond life and death.

You are beyond even "I Am."

Or, as Osho would say it, you are beyond even that.

In non-duality, this goes like,

You're not this or that, and you're not even this AND that.

You are not any of it, and you are all of it.

This is what Jiddu meant by, you are the Vortex.

You are in between. Always.

"Where-ever I go, there I am."
"If I am looking at it, then I cannot be it."

From The Beginning

I am one of those silent artist hearts that reads the writings on the walls.

I think I heard a quote once, or maybe saw a piece of art, saying something to the idea of, we are cave men led around by the writings left on the walls.

Since the time I was fairly young, I would ride the train from the Oregon Zoo Max Station.

I was there so often, that I saw the difference between this tunnel being full of people, and then later, completely empty in silence.

I would look down this tunnel, and I would feel somehow lost in the middle of time.

It was though I was between the gap that was life. I was in between the interval.

People had built this place, and they were gone. One day, I would also vanish, nameless, unknown. I never had existed.

The tunnel, empty and dark at night, it was as if there was no world out there. Just a tunnel in infinity.

You may remember this scene from The Matrix Revolutions.

In this scene, Neo is left in a Subway tunnel that is like an eternity, a limbo you can never leave.

In that tunnel, the shadow that I was may as well have been God, at least, the God of that world, as there was nothing outside of it.

I bring this up because there is writing on the wall in that tunnel.

"There is a beginning.
There is a not yet beginning to be a beginning.
There is a not yet beginning to be a not yet beginning to be a beginning.

There is being. There is nonbeing.
There is a not yet beginning to be nonbeing.
There is a not yet beginning to be a not yet beginning to be nonbeing.
Suddenly there is nonbeing.
But I do not know, when it comes to nonbeing, which is really being and which is nonbeing.

Now I have just said something. But I don't know whether what I have said has really said something or whether it hasn't said something."

- Chuang Tzu - Disciple of Lao Tzu

I did not know who wrote those words. I didn't know anything about their life. All I knew, was that they understood my life.

They knew what I knew, they were what I am.

It was as though the events of their life were lost to me as shadows that had been forgotten in that tunnel.

The events of my life would also fade.

And yet, I exist.

I would think, "Whatever kind of person wrote those words, they must have seen so much, done so much, they were an entire world."

I felt like they were here with me. I felt as though I was the same consciousness that wrote those words.

I also felt like I was immaterial, unknowing, that I was not even of the same "expanded size" of a consciousness to be able to even string together such thoughts as those.

Those thoughts were as vast as the sky, while my thoughts were limited, human, and small.

I think I made some vows in that tunnel.

I wouldn't consider this a major set piece in my life. Rather, among an infinity of experiences, there is no reason for me to remember it.

Tyler's Journey

So, in my spiritual journey later in life, I had started knowing myself as Being.

To me, this is very deep.

This is what is what I initially developed in my journey, was the awareness of my Being.

I haven't seen this be the case of where most people start.

Then, I went on to deepen my awareness of awareness.

Thanks to a recent Teacher, I came to know myself as Awareness.

Simply aware, and even aware of knowing.

Though, I am not even the Awareness, so what am I?

The problem in my case was, I had not spent enough time to come to know the basic, "I Am."

The Teacher Rupert Spira helped me to come to know this as the I Am, saying,

β€œI Am is the Alpha and the Omega.”
β€œThe origin and the culmination of all knowledge.” - Rupert Spira

Rupert Spira - I Am is the highest truth - YouTube

After I came to know the I Am, it became possible for me to know what the I Am is.

All I needed was someone to fill in a small gap in the information I have.

That turned out to be in this not necessarily spiritually focused video from Teal Swan.

Teal Swan - YouTube

Another Teacher had described to me the ability to "see in three directions at once."

In the Gurdjieff Work, this is called Divided Attention.

I don't know if this is what they meant, but what follows is what I found from Teal Swan.

Teal Swan says,

There is also a part of you that is essentially in the middle, watching them all.
The best way to conceptualize of this aspect of you, is to think about the infinity symbol. You've got this point in the center, and you've got the extremes to either side.

Shortly after I was exposed to this statement, it filled in my understanding of the vortex.

Not a bi-directional vortex. Rather, an omni-directional vortex.

That omni-directional vortex is the Knower.

I knew this, but I didn't experience it, as I had before written several articles on The Center.

The Knower that I am is the multi-directional intersection.

I did not see this because I was identified with parts.

At all times, I am the mediator of parts.

At all times, I am that which knows and attempts to and intends to mediate between all parts.

Which parts? All parts.

Between all parts and all things, I know, and I mediate.

Between my internal selves, I know and intend to create a union.

Between a part and an external part, a part inside me as a person and someone else as a person, I know and intend to create a union.

I am at the intersection. I am the one who is there when the moon leaves and the sun arises. I am the one there between death and life.

I am the point between Being and Non-Being.

I am also the witness to the point between Being and Non-Being.

To quote Joseph Benner's "The Impersonal Life,"

"I AM the Innermost, the Spirit, the animating Cause of your being, of all life, of all living things, both visible and invisible.

There is nothing dead, for I, the Impersonal ONE, AM all that there is..

Nothing can Be without manifesting and expressing some phase of Me,
Who AM not only the Builder of all forms, but the Dweller in each.

In the heart of each I dwell; in the heart of the human, in the heart of the animal, in the heart of the flower, in the heart of the stone. In the heart of each I live and move and have My Being, and from out the heart of each I send forth that phase of Me I desire to express, and which manifests in the outer world as a stone, a flower, an animal, a man.

Is there nothing, then, but this great I? Am I to be permitted no individuality for myself? I hear you ask.

No, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is not a part of Me, controlled and ruled eternally by Me,

the One Infinite Reality.
- Joseph Benner - The Impersonal Life

Joseph Benner's 'The Impersonal Life' featured in Gravemind's "I AM YOU - A MESSAGE FROM YOURSELF"

This morning, I wrote of You as the Changing and the Unchanging.

I am between those two, both, and neither.

That means, you are beyond the Absolute and the Universe.

Beyond the Beyond.

Thank you for reading. Be Blessed.

-Tyler Choice

As a takeaway, I invite you to take a different look at the phrase,

"Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder."