Blue Sky Meditation

You are the vast blueness of the sky.
Thoughts are like clouds hovering around you, filling you.
But the gaps exist. The sky exists.

Suddenly a moment comes when you are attuned to this look of “not looking.”
Clouds disappear for you. Only the vast sky remains.

This process happens by gazing at the sky, closing your eyes, and gazing at your inner sky. As you become more aware, your thoughts disappear. In this, you remember again who you are.

Simply by looking into the blue sky beyond clouds, there is serenity. One will become serene!

Be looking, not thinking. The sky is infinite; it ends nowhere.
Look into it.

The sky is not an object.

In language, it is.
In existence, it is not an object because an object begins and ends.

Move, look — do not think.

Do not create words; they will become barriers. Not even “blue sky” should be said. Do not verbalize.

Suddenly, because there is no object, just a vacuum.
Suddenly you will become aware of yourself. 

This method of looking is natural.
One just has to unfocus, decondition.

This looking will cause you to remember who you are.

The Three Concepts

1 - Mind doesn’t exist as an entity.

Only thoughts exist.

2 - Thoughts exist separate from you.

They are not one with your nature. They come and go.
You remain. You persist.

You are like the sky:
never comes, never goes,
it is always there.

3 - Thoughts are things, forces.

You have to handle them carefully.

1 - Only Thoughts Exist

Millions of thoughts together give you the illusion that mind exists.

It is just like millions of people standing in a crowd.

Thoughts are standing together.

Their togetherness gives you the feeling that something like a crowd exists.
Only individuals exist.

Watch, and you will find thoughts.

You will never come across the mind.

2 - You

You abide – not as you because that too is a thought – as pure consciousness;

Your name is a thought.
Your form is a thought.
Your body is a thought.

You are pure consciousness, with no name, no form.

Just the purity, just the formlessness and namelessness,
just the very phenomenon of being aware – only that abides.

This is an insight to be attained. You are the host and thoughts are guests.

3 - Handling Thoughts

Each single thought is creating something for you and for others.
Be alert!

The clouds that wander through the sky have no roots and no home.
The same is true for your thoughts.
The same is true for your inner sky.

Your thoughts have no roots.
They have no home.
Just like clouds they wander.

So you need not fight them.
You need not be against them.
You need not even try to stop thought.

How Do You Use Awareness To Stop Thoughts?

When you become interested in meditation, do you try to stop thinking?

If you try to stop thoughts they will never be stopped because the effort to stop is a thought. The effort to meditate is a thought.

How can you stop a thought by another thought?
How can you stop mind by creating another mind?

Then you will be clinging to the other.
And this will go on and on.
Then there is no end to it.

Don’t fight – because who will fight?

Who are you?

Just a thought, so don’t make yourself a battleground of one thought fighting another. Rather, be a witness, just watching thoughts floating.

They stop, but not by your stopping. They stop by your becoming more aware, not by any effort on your part to stop them. No, they never stop, they resist.

Thoughts are rootless, homeless vagabonds; you need not be worried about them. Simply watch, watch without looking at them. Simply look.

It happens that the more you look, the less you find.
The deeper you look, the more thoughts disappear, disperse.

Once you know this then the key is in your hand.
This key unlocks the most secret phenomenon:
the phenomenon of awakening.

Simply watch, simply remain conscious, don’t think.

When a thought enters – it will enter because thoughts are not yours; they are just floating in the air.

Just as there is air, there is thought all around you, and it goes on entering on its own accord.
It stops only when you become more and more aware.

If you become more aware, a thought simply disappears, it melts because awareness is a greater energy than thought.

Awareness is like fire to thought.

When the light burns in the house, the darkness cannot enter. Thoughts are like darkness: they enter only if there is no light within.

Awareness is fire: as you become more aware – fewer and fewer thoughts enter.

If you become really integrated in your awareness,

thoughts don’t enter you. You have become an impenetrable citadel. Nothing can penetrate you.

When no thoughts can enter you, they will come and they will bypass you. You will see them coming, and by the time they reach near you they turn. Then you can move anywhere, nothing can affect you.
This is what awakening means.

If you become perfectly aware, then miles of gaps will be revealed to you.

In those gaps, satoris happen. In those gaps, the truth knocks at your door. In those gaps, the guest comes. In those gaps, God's presence is realized, or however you like to express it.

Let pure clarity be in the eyes, in the ears.

All your senses should be clear, pure perception. Only then can existence be revealed to you.

And when you know existence, then you know that you are divine, because in existence everything is divine.

Your mind is a chatterbox. You are broadcasting things unnecessarily. You are destroying people around you; you are destroying yourself.

You are a dangerous thing, and continuously broadcasting. Many things are happening because of you. And it is a great network. Every day the whole world goes on becoming more and more miserable because more and more people are on the earth and they are broadcasting more and more thoughts.

What is a prayer?

Prayer is sending blessings to all. Prayer is sending your compassion to all. Prayer is creating an antidote of negative thoughts; it is positivity.

What Will Happen?

For minutes together no thoughts come, everything is so quiet and silent inside. You are for the first time together. Everything feels absolutely blissful, there is no disturbance.

  • You become loose and natural.
  • You simply start floating with existence.
  • Then you start enjoying every moment, whatsoever it brings.
  • You can enjoy it because now you have no desires and no expectations.
  • You don’t ask for anything, so whatsoever is given, you feel grateful.
  • Just sitting and breathing is so beautiful,
    just being here is so wonderful.
  • Every moment of life becomes a magical thing, a miracle in itself.

Clouds take many types of shapes: you can see elephants and lions, and whatsoever you like. In space, forms, colors, come and go: 
But whatever happens, the sky remains untouched, untinged.

Now it is a vast oneness, there are no boundaries to anything.

There is a vast oneness--
vibrating, alive, without boundaries, without definitions, without distinctions – life melting into death, death molding again into life – then everything becomes one.

Distinction is not there.
Distinctions are there because of your trained eyes.
Distinction is a learned thing.
Distinction is not there in existence. Distinction is projected by you.
Distinction is taught to you to the world. It is not there. It is your eyes’ trick, your eyes playing a trick on you.

When Buddha attained to the ultimate, the utterly ultimate enlightenment, he was asked,

“What have you attained?”

And he laughed and said,
Nothing, because whatsoever I have attained was already there inside me. It is not something new that I have achieved. It has always been there from eternity, it is my very nature. But I was not mindful about it, I was not aware of it.
The treasure was always there, but I had forgotten about it.”

You have forgotten, that’s all.

that’s your ignorance. Between an awakened one and you there is no distinction as far as your nature is concerned, but only one distinction,

and the distinction is that you don’t remember who you are, and he remembers. You are the same, but he remembers and you don’t remember. He is awake, you are fast asleep, but your nature is the same.

When your perception becomes clear, suddenly, in a moment,

in fact no time happens: suddenly, without time, you are fully awake. You are awakened, you become the enlightened.

What does an awakened one gain out of it?

He gains nothing. Rather, on the contrary, he loses many things: the misery, the pain, the anguish, the anxiety, the ambition, the jealousy, the hatred, the possessiveness, the violence – he loses all. As far as what he attains–nothing.

He attains that which was already there. He remembers.

Remember that which abides:

that is your nature, your Way.

Be attentive to that which never comes and never goes,

just like the sky.

If this becomes your experience,

if it becomes a fact of your own knowing, then suddenly many things start changing. Because you have understood such a deep thing about the mind, many things can follow.

Suddenly a moment comes when you are attuned to this look of “not looking.”
Clouds disappear for you. Only the vast sky remains.

This article is a cultivated and organized selection of Tantra: The Supreme Understanding - 02 Discourse by Osho.

This practice was very important for me on my path.

Thanks again for reading.
Please share this with anyone you think could use it.

Remember you are valuable and you matter,
and may great blessings and peace come to you.
- Tyler