How Do You Overcome Feeling Misunderstood and Alone From Thinking Differently?

As I started to make my thoughts more public, they seem to appeal to more and more people.

Chris Williamson:
"People that are self-reflective..

that pay attention..
the more nuanced your thinking is, the fewer people are going to be like you, which makes you feel more alone.

How do you think people can overcome this?"

Jordan Peterson:

"Well I would say that hasn't been my experience exactly, because as I started to make my thoughts more public, they seem to appeal to more and more people.

So I don't know if that's a threshold phenomena because maybe it is.

As you start to become specialized as a scientist your vision narrows and narrows, although it gets more high resolution at the level that you're operating at.

but you pass through a needle out the other side where the thing you're studying starts to become everything again.

So maybe that's that, developmental progression."

What he means to say is that maybe there is a plateau point,
where if you share more, you'll be misunderstood for a while,
but if you pass through that point,
you'll be more understood and less alone than you were when you started.


"In the past, someone asked you a question: "The depth of my consciousness causes me to suffer."
And you said:
"Take more of the thing that poisons you until you turn it into a tonic that encloses the world around you."