[Technique] Learn Books in 60 Seconds
- There are 3 kinds of books. - The Best Books Have A Single Understandable Concept You Can Instantly Understand. - The Best Books Work From A Center Point Outwards.
"You read from those who put a simple concept into 1000 pages book so they could sell it for more money."
There Are 3 Kinds of Books:
- Books that have no point or solution[ usually written within the last 100 years, won't stand the test of time ]
- Books that have a point or solution, but do not have their solution refined to a single sentence.
- Books that can say their single point or solution, and you can get this in one single sentence, optimally before you open the book.
- The rest of the book works outwards and expands upon that point.
Using this process of selection I can take the core of a book in about 60 seconds.
The Best Books Have A Single Understandable Concept You Can Instantly Understand.
The Best Books:
- You have the solution instantly when you pick up the book.
- The rest of the book is to gain expertise and mastery of the concept.
I drew an illustration of how the best books look:
- All good books are this way.
- All good teachings all this way.
- All good teachers are this way.
"Know What You Intend To Say."
A Good Book Knows Its Solution.
The Best Books Have A Single Concept You Can Instantly Understand.
The Best Books Work From A Center Point Outwards.
If you want to write a good book,
This is how.
Don't write linear chapters, -> 1, -> 2, -> 3, -> 4.
Condense your meaning into a sentence and work outwards from the center point of a circle.
This is how.
Don't write linear chapters, -> 1, -> 2, -> 3, -> 4.
Condense your meaning into a sentence and work outwards from the center point of a circle.