Technique: Automatic Writing

Technique: Automatic Writing

"In automatic writing you take a pencil in your hand; you close your eyes, you wait. Suddenly you feel a jerk in the hand: your hand is possessed, as if something has entered. You are not to do anything because if you do then it will not be from the beyond; it will be your doing. You simply have to allow. Loose and natural – Tilopa’s words are wonderful; they cannot be improved upon. Loose and natural, you wait with the pencil, with closed eyes; when the jerk comes and the hand starts moving, you have to allow it, that’s all. You have not to resist it because you can resist. The energy is very subtle, and, in the beginning, not very powerful. If you just stop it, it can be stopped.

And the energy is not aggressive; if you don’t allow, it will not come. If you doubt, it will not happen because with doubt your hand will be resisting. With doubt, you will not allow; you will fight. So that’s why trust is so meaningful, shraddha. You simply trust and leave your hand there; by and by the hand starts moving, now the hand starts making wiggles on the paper. Allow it! Then somebody simply asks a question, or you yourself ask a question; let the question be there, loose in the mind, not very persistent, not forcing, just raise the question and wait. And suddenly the answer is written.

If ten persons try, at least three persons will be absolutely capable of automatic writing. Thirty percent of people are not aware that they can become so receptive. And this can become a great force in your life. Explanations differ; what happens is not important. The deepest explanation that I find true is: your own highest center possesses your lowest center; your own highest peak of consciousness catches hold of your lowest unconscious mind. You ask and your own inner being answers. Nobody else is there, but your inner being, which you don’t know, is very superior to you.

Your own innermost being is your ultimate flowering possibility. As if the flower takes possession of the seed and answers. The seed doesn’t know, but the flower…as if your possibility takes possession of your actuality and answers; as if your ultimate potentiality takes possession of whatsoever you are, and answers. Or the future takes possession of the past, the unknown takes possession of the known, the formless takes possession of the form – all metaphors, but I feel you will understand the significance – as if your old age takes possession of your childhood, and answers." - Osho - Tantra The Supreme Understanding - 06