The Art of Listening

When you have put everything in yourself in its right place you are free.

"The art of listening means - the word 'art' implies to put everything in its right place.

If you understand the meaning of that word really, that is the real art, not painting pictures and all the rest of it, that comes secondary, or tertiary. But the art of putting your life in its proper place, which is to live harmoniously.

When you have put everything in yourself in its right place you are free.

That putting everything in its right place is part of intelligence.
Then you say what do you mean?
You are giving a new meaning to that word 'intelligence'. One must.

Intelligence implies reading between lines, between words, between two silences, between speech - listening, so that your mind is all the time alert to listen.

You not only hear with your ear, but also hear without the ear."


Full Lecture:

J. Krishnamurti - Saanen 1978 - Public Talk 5 - Is love a movement of time and thought? - YouTube


From Newsletter #18:

It is absolutely such a joy to craft this newsletter each week, it feels as so,
"When you have put everything in yourself in its right place you are free."
There is a flow that comes out of the arrangement, out of the formatting.

I intend to bring that flow out of words in texts and into the world,
simply because I love to do this.