Treasures: Enlightenment is Your Individual Experience!

I say unto you, you are enlightenment itself.

Treasures: Enlightenment is Your Individual Experience!

I say unto you, you are enlightenment itself.
I don’t want you to attain enlightenment, I want you to live it. From this very moment, whatever you do, do it in the way enlightenment is bound to do it.

I love one statement of one of the most important people of the West, Alan Watts. He was a drunkard, but he was the man who introduced to the West the most essential parts of Zen and enlightenment. He wrote not as a scholar, but as a master. Before he was dying, he was still drinking and a disciple asked him, “Have you ever thought…if Buddha had seen you drinking alcohol, what do you think he would have thought about it?”
Alan Watts said, “There is no problem. I always drink in an enlightened way.”

The question is not what you do, the question is how you do it. Yes, I accept Alan Watts’ statement. There is a possibility of a man to drink alcohol in an enlightened way. Enlightenment should not have any limits. And it should not have a particular formula, a particular pattern that you have to follow.

Enlightenment should be an individual experience – the most individual experience, incomparable and unique to everybody. Once this is understood, all the clouds that surround you with darkness start dispersing. - Osho

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