People Who Take Advantage of Your Goodness

People Who Take Advantage of Your Goodness
"Al Capone"

You cannot be free and enslaved to being conditioned to goodness at the same time.

If you were raised to be good and you want to be good, you are what is considered a good person.

If you have no interest in doing good and simply actively intend harm to others, you are considered to be not a good person.

If you are a good person, understand that you must be able to choose to be good or not.

If you do not have the choice, you will be a victim.

"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness" quote picture - Al Capone

People who do not care about being good will guilt a person who wants to be good for not being more good.

As Dr. Jordan Peterson said,

"Tell a good person something is wrong with them, and watch them destroy themselves."

If your good is not a choice, people will see that and manipulate you by making you feel bad for not being better,

while they actively intend for your harm and destruction.

Do not mistake meekness for weakness.

Al Capone Picture
Right: Al Capone

Blessings to You!
