Steps To That: Purposeless - 06-21-24

“Zen is a very simple acceptance of the totality that surrounds us.”

“Zen is a very simple acceptance of the totality that surrounds us.”
“When you are no more you are the whole vastness of existence.“

I can see that I could not have understood this teaching before, before I had looked at reality and accepted the futility of my situation, accepted the reality of the situation. 

What prevented my acceptance of reality was the crushing weight of the feeling of the entire world’s size in comparison to one insignificant vessel, the inability to feel that the responsibility of my entire world is only on me. 

When I accepted the feeling, that this was the case, the perspective changed. 

A delusion broke. 

Now, there is no delusion that I might be greater than I am, that things will become better than they are. 

Instead, I understand. 

What I create will be created. 

What I destroy will be destroyed. 

If I do not create something, it will not be created. 

If I do not destroy something, it will not be destroyed. 

If I create something that does not work, then it will not work. 

If I create something that works, it will work. 

There is no preference, no special treatment. If you do something right, it works out right. 

There is nothing to be sad about, nothing to be happy about. There is nothing wrong with being sad or being happy. 

Suffering, simply comes from wishing to be different than you are.