The 3 Cases of People Affected By Gurdjieff's Hypnotic Influence

Selection and Added Case Titles from GURDJIEFF AND HYPNOSIS by M OHAMMAD H. TAMDGIDI

The 3 Cases of People Affected By Gurdjieff's Hypnotic Influence
George Gurdjieff I love him who loves work
Gangster pic taken from

George Gurdjieff was a spiritual teacher. In the book "Gurdjieff and Hypnosis," the author describes three groups of people affected by his 'hypnotic powers'.

Gurdjieff’s “Ten Books in Three Series” was, and for his readers still is, an enneagramatic journey involving crystallization and then decrystallization of hypnotic “psychic factors” in his readers (see cover photo). With one hand he hypnotizes them, with another he provides them with the necessary knowledges and methods regarding how to free themselves from his and any hypnotic influence.

"From his vantage point,

[CASE 1] "Mainstream"

some who become exposed may remain automatically infatuated with his life and teaching and perpetually remain in the same river banks of Work,
not realizing the extent and depth of the influence they were subjected to.

[CASE 2] "Satisfied by Pleasure of Understanding"

Others may become conscious of Gurdjieff’s hypnotic influence but continue to remain satisfied as such.

[CASE 3]

Others perhaps take a step further and question such influence and endure the intentional sufferings that may ensue from realizing the terror of their situation and seek a way out.

[CASE 3 A] "Escaping In Chains"

Some may then “run away as fast as [the boy] could” from the circle (even though they may still remain under his influence)

[CASE 3 B] "Repeat Attendees To The Micro-cosmic Prison To Find Keys To Escape A Macro-Cosmic and Self-Prison"

and yet others may find it possible to drive in and out of the roundabout Yezidi circle and Gurdjieff’s
influence at will
, remaining critically appreciative of his legacy while contributing to its development.

The enneagram of such inner liberatory efforts therefore may evolve, beyond the automatic, conscious, or intentional shocks of subordination to Gurdjieff’s teaching, to states of
inner freedom that could alone allow one to skillfully manage the wolf, the sheep, and the cabbage trusted to one’s care."

This author affirms that overcoming Gurdjieff's influence has the potential hope and possibility of inoculating a person from all outside influence.

An inoculation to impressions would allow you to act freely, rather than being moved from outside manipulation– from the incoming impressions which alter the course you had intended to go.

Selection and Added Case Titles from GURDJIEFF AND HYPNOSIS by M OHAMMAD H. TAMDGIDI.