What Truth Did You Find?

What is Truth? - 06/17/2024

Throughout my life, I have been actively seeking truth within the spiritual realm, connecting with a church community plugged into consciousness, light, and truth. The resonance in their voices transferred to me, and my soul developed a taste for that light, that spiritual food, which nothing else could satisfy.

For me personally, I either became lazy and overprivileged due to my abundant access to truth, or perhaps I reached a plateau and needed something even more refined. The foundational aspects of truth are essential; you might already know the truth, but finding it often requires someone to point you in the right direction. For me, Christ is the signpost—the way, the truth, and the light—pointing directly to the truth. Miscalibrate even a little, and you go off course, becoming disconnected.

The good part is that Christ speaks truth itself with no filter. The bad part is that people without open hearts can’t hear the meaning.

There are foundational principles that guide us:

  • Truth is good.
  • Truth is light.
  • You are light.

The Multifaceted Jewel of Truth

Once there is a taste for truth, it becomes evident that truth is a multi-faceted jewel. Truth has many facets. I was served truth in a container, but I needed it without the container.

The essence of truth in three words would be: "God is Mercy."

A Zen master once said he understood the whole biblical gospel without reading it from just two words: "Jesus Wept."

The Levels of Truth

When discussing truth, we often do so from different levels:

Level 1:

"This is my truth, these are the things I think, these are the things I have concluded, these are the things I have logically rationalized, these are what I believe." Anything derived from your thoughts like this is not your real truth.

Level 2:

This level encompasses what you really think deep down, the deeper psychological conditioning imprinted on you throughout your life.

Level 3:

At this level, truth is in your knowing and direction, something real and beyond yourself. It is also what Christ refers to in his parable of the mustard seed—the seed that grows into the oak tree. The seed is the light of goodness and truth.

The experience of realizing your truth is one of remembering.

When you read the truth in a book, it resonates with the deepest part of your soul. The truth isn't in the text; it’s in the heart, and the text evokes it through recall. Once you see this enough and trace it back to its point of origin, it's always there.

Watching a true religious seeker caught in the trap of religion reveals a mind and heart at war.

They might glimpse the truth—"You are the light of the world"—but then sway with the darkness of religious thinking. The mind often concludes that truth must be subjective and cannot be absolute. This is based on the identity of victimhood and ego, the false truth that you are fundamentally alone.

The absolute truth is not based on ego; it is the opposite. Reality is real, and you cannot be alone.

Any sense of being alone is a delusion that doesn’t match reality; reality is connected.

The real truth stored in the heart is something like this:

"I am valuable, period. I have worth, period."

This intrinsic value never changes, regardless of circumstances.

Situations may make it seem that human worth changes, but it never does.

This means that the way humans should be and treat each other never changes.

We live in a world that consistently attempts to deny this intrinsic value and creates convincing arguments for why the situation demands otherwise.

This war is ongoing, often taking place in industries. There is a way a person deserves to be treated based on their intrinsic worth, but the "culture" demands otherwise.

Historical Context: Slavery

In the past, one of the most pressing issues was human slavery in the U.S.A. The situation demanded that slavery was appropriate, but a deeper knowing in the heart said this was fundamentally wrong.

The truth is that what is right and true is not contextually dependent.

False and misguided truth is subjective because it depends on context. This is what makes Christ's words resound for centuries—the truth does not change.

The Constant Truth

  • If the truth is that you are good, this never changes.
  • If the truth is that you are valuable and worthy, this is constant.
  • If you are valuable, this value demands you are treated a certain way based on that value.

The truth is that there is an unchanging way people should be treated regardless of any condition.

You are not just valuable but priceless, with value beyond measure.

Knowing this truth means having a reverence for life, as you revere the value in life.

Knowing this truth is the only way to know true freedom.

Freedom is doing what you were going to do, regardless of consequence.

Once you don't fear consequence, you have the freedom to be the way you ought to be.

The world can create many punishments, consequences, and subtle "should dos" and "should not dos,"

but true freedom lies in knowing and living your unchanging truth.


Quite simply,

If you care about the way that your hero, let’s say, Tony Robbins, views you and what he thinks about you,
then you change your behavior to be in a way Tony Robbins would admire,

But some random on the street doesn’t like that,

But you don’t care what he thinks because your concerns lie with Tony Robbins opinion of you.

If You Live Truth, You Remain The Same Regardless of Circumstances.

If Truth Is Your Way Of Being,
Then, Your Way Of Being Remains The Same Regardless Of Circumstance.

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