A Special Understanding: The Uzumaki Principle

The awareness of this special intelligence leads the person to believe that they are essentially a whole person, while others are like fragments of a person.

A Special Understanding: The Uzumaki Principle

This understanding requires a meta self-reflection.

What it is, is that a strong and intelligent ego finds that they are encountering people that have a similar likeness to them. They contain similar personality traits and patterns, but each of these vessels contains a level of unawareness; they are simply one single shade, not a spectrum. 

The person begins to realize that these characters they are meeting are like NPC versions of themselves, just a single shade, with no underlying awareness. This causes the person to conclude that they must have some kind of special intelligence, something different than these single-shaded versions of themselves, these almost robotic clone versions of themselves. 

The awareness of this special intelligence leads the person to believe that they are essentially a whole person, while others are like fragments of a person. 

In reality, they are partially correct. It is true that they are encountering single-shaded characters by means of proximity and statistical probability. They don’t know that outside of that area, other “whole people” exist. It doesn’t matter if they encounter whole people later because they have already concreted this belief in youth and it has become a foundational understanding of oneself. 

This all reinforces the original belief that “I’m not understood,” and “I am the outsider, different than the others,” as well as, “I’m the definitive version of this character.” 

“There are many Buzz Lightyears, but I am the real Buzz Lightyear."

You can see this in Toy Story, that the second activated Buzz Lightyear is not the Buzz Lightyear we know; he possesses this v1 unawareness.

This is to establish the fundamental truth of the consciousness that "I am alone."

This is what I’m calling my special understanding, the awareness of this. 

When I developed this understanding, consciousness brought me to encounter many people that have this issue and have brought me in to be a friend in their world. 

The person does not see outside of this story, so their perspective remains that as a self, they are alone, regardless of realizing the universality of Being-ness or, to say, the True Self.

So you're trying to find the alone people and let them know that, even though they are alone, we're all alone together?

Yes, this programming was built in, and this is what I loosely call the Uzumaki principle because this is the profile of Naruto Uzumaki and what he does. 

Naruto finds a rare and amazing person, the prince of a kingdom, that is fundamentally alone in that kingdom. He reaches out and pierces into their world of aloneness.

What was a time in your life when you reached out to someone in a dark time? What was that like?

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