Tyler’s Commentary of All and Everything #03 - The All-Universal Principle Of Living

The sad fact that Gurdjieff has been exposed to, and the only possible solution creates a universal principle. 

Arising and existing on all the other planets of our Great Universe, one of the chief “life principles.”
The formulation in words of this new “all-universal principle of living” is as follows:

“If you go on a spree then go the whole hog including the postage.”

What does this mean?  

The price of a book is 45 pieces. The seller is charging 60 pieces. The seller explains that the price of the book is an extra 15 pieces due to the postage. This is not fair. However, being in a hurry, the buyer takes the whole hog, including the postage.

There is a surface application and a deeper application, and both are important.

The surface application is Gurdjieff‘s sad fact. Existence is not a given, it requires super-efforts to exist. Instead of complaining about the sad fact, he pays the necessary price.

“This.. principle of mine I shall this time begin to actualize not by following the practice of all writers, established from the remote past down to the present, of taking as the theme of their various writings the events which have supposedly taken place, or are taking place, on Earth, but shall take instead as the scale of events for my writings—the whole Universe. Thus in the present case also, “If you take then take!”—that is to say, “If you go on a spree then go the whole hog including the postage.“

The deeper application means to go forward in totality, but that is not all. It also needs to go forward in scale. Take it all with you. I’ll explain.

Totality sounds simple, but don’t misunderstand. 

When you hear that a man goes forward in totality, you hear that man is putting all of himself into something. 

That is not what Gurdjieff is saying. 

Gurdjieff is saying to go the whole hog, including the postage. 

The whole hog is not the whole of man.

The whole hog is the whole of his consciousness, all conscious experience, including the totality of man. 


Gurdjieff is saying that the principle of this universe is that if you plan to take a step forward, do it with all the universe, everything in your perception. 

This will require much concentration, attention, and will. You will not be able to focus on the past or the future.


In reading these above words, I expect you have realized a secret. 

One knows that were they to stop thinking of the past and the future, they would enter into the present moment. 


You can see how this principle is a law of the universe: Place your entire attention on sensing all conscious experience, and you can go nowhere else but the present moment. 

And in the present moment, one also has the means to apply all of that conscious focus for a purpose, the purpose of awakening oneself. 


I do not know why, but consciousness is instructing me not to explain the above paragraph. There is enough here though to work out exactly what one might do to awaken oneself if they were to apply that energy. In truth, — I do know why but I do not understand why. Or I do not want to understand why.

Now that Gurdjieff knows what is the case, it uses to act with full awareness that this is the case, and now that he is moving forward with the great nature, with the existence, not only satisfied by achieving the aim and to be conscious, but also to be aware that he is conscious, and also to be honored and fulfilled that he gets to take place with creation. 

The ultimate experience, to bear witness to, to be within, and to exist as Existence itself. 


The “flow of time” is the second necessary awareness required to stay awake.

Gurdjieff says for him this “became for me a real inextinguishable hearth, always burning, of consciousness.”

This is also why Gurdjieff writes above “the scale of events.” A person who is the ’Observer of Time’ remains aware of his place within it.
That is to say that a person who is awake is cognizant that the moment in time that they see is not all that is, but that this moment is connected to all of time, all of humanity,

and the actions taken now are a message to all time and all humanity.
That is to say that a person’s actions now are as acting as the representative of the universe. There is more to that.
