How To Meditate

The Way To Awakening Your Consciousness. A page of resources.

Why Should I Meditate?

See: So You Want To Change The World

Introductions to Meditation

What Do You Recommend as an Explanation of Real Meditation?

I recommend this explanation.

Become Aware of Reality

Open The Gate

Before Bed Meditation

Meditations for Pain Management

Please see: Make Pain Go Away

Blue Sky Meditation ☁️

"The sky is inside of you. You are the vast blueness of the sky.

Thoughts are like clouds hovering around you, filling you.

But the gaps exist. The sky exists.

In this process, you find yourself, you find love."

Blue Sky Meditation proved to create alpha waves in 1971:

"Swami Rama's abilities were measured experimentally at the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas in 1971. He was seen to be able to produce different brain waves at will. As he relaxed, he created alpha waves by "imagining an empty blue sky with drifting clouds" - Wikipedia

The Blue Sky Meditation