Letter To John

Dear Beloved John,

What is there to say that you have not said?

You've shared the verse, “Show proper respect to everyone, Love the family of believers, revere God, honor the Lord”

The words of wisdom are right there. What more is there to question?

For me, I come from a belief that everyone, especially those that seek the light, those who intend help and not harm.

I believe that their words and voices are valid and worth hearing.

I am against the false, delusional ideas of authority bias that one obtain the proper credentials to have the validity to be heard.

The authority bias is not only the source of the problem of false teachers, it also:

  • reinforces, perpetuates, and creates ignorance; and,
  • encourages people to make assumptions, accept ideas they here without consideration, and not think for themselves about important things.

On that last matter, a belief is created that a person will be saved if they trust that someone else knows best, and this is delusion.

The early Quakers held church in a peculiar way. Anyone in attendance, if they heard the voice of God, they must open their mouth and speak it, no matter what the words were.

As they did not always hear the voice of God, there were many church services held in silence.

This to me, helps identify that everyone is worthy of speaking, but not every word is worthy to be spoken.

But Why?

Because you are of my people. The world is simple.

Although there exist semi-true adages such as "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," that quote is very true for people who follow no goodness, who seek no truth, who have no search for wisdom, who take no look at history, who learn nothing from those who come before them,
that quote there is true.

They, thinking they are the first to try, ignorantly try to start something good with the ego's, "the conscious self's" understanding, but their motivations and emotions on the matter, they change when they start to see what they have created is not working.

The world is simple.

There are good people who intend in their hearts to do good, and they follow that goodness and understanding. Their minds create many ideas and unique words and additional personal beliefs, but their understanding is the same.

There are also people with closed hearts, they intend to harm. They may speak right words, but in their hearts is malice.

The third category is people who would intend good if their battery levels were high, but their battery levels have been reduced to 1%, and they simply want to be left alone, to suffer alone and wait for death.

"You saw me say some things you don’t agree with, the very same things that prompt other humans to start calling me names, cursing me out, muting me, banning me, warning other humans about me."

To start, with words of wisdom:

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. - Matthew 5:11
Don't repay evil for evil, or slander for slander, but rather say a blessing. This is what you were called to, so that you may inherit a blessing. - 1 Peter 3:9

The Prologue to the book of Proverbs explains what the world is like and how to respond to it. It also identifies two kinds of people, one I am not like.

Proverbs 1

This is the behavior of those with Ill Intent.

These are people who will speak what is right, but their intention is to spill blood. Their intention is to ambush some harmless soul. These are the people referred to who will "insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me."

These people despise seeing anything good, and they are lying in wait to criticize, attack, slander, gossip, and so on.
Their actions steal from themselves their own light.

Proverbs 1
Proverbs 1

This describes all describes the behavior of groups in the real world. The hearts that are closed to truth, when they see it, they would intend for it to be destroyed.

They would like to pretend it is not there, and they can have strength in numbers, so they will gather and laugh together. Fools laugh at truth as though that makes it not exist.

To engage with fools for too long is a kind of foolishness as well.

The verse, "My people suffer for lack of knowledge," this is what it means.

It means that the good people suffer because they do not have the knowledge to know things such as that bad people are not like them.

Good people suffer from not having the knowledge that not everyone intends to be true. They assume that people speak in order to speak what is true, like themselves. This assumption means that they don't know that there are others that do not care about being true, instead they use words only for the purpose of destruction.

Good people suffer from not having the knowledge that speaking to people who hold ill intent for them can have diminishing returns.

I wonder why you believe my testimonies to God and the Current Christ (Atman, Buddha, the Prophet, Messiah) don’t affect you the way it does many other humans?

So, one reason, is that some of the humans you're talking to don't care if what you say is true, they simply intend for your harm, and I don't intend for your harm.

I also have the ability to listen, and to me this is like communion. I also see that a person uses symbols which contain meanings.

But, my real answer has to do with this.

I really like when a dialogue can remain respectful and I truly Love that even when in EXTrEmE disagreement a conversation can still remain respectful.

Imagine the world today if all humans adopted this ideology . . . .

“Show proper respect to everyone,
Love the family of believers,
revere God, honor the Lord”
(Peter 2:17)

My real answer is that I do not possess knowledge, I have understanding, and by my fruits this will be known.

That is the difference. This is again what is meant by the addition of water to stone to create living water.

The same voice of the mockers say,

'Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!
' Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds.' "

As I mentioned before,

If action is added to the stone truth, understanding is created.

When Christ says the above verse, he is saying that the proof of his authority and wisdom is in his action, his behavior [the miracles he has recently performed].

One of Christ's real miracles is mercy. Christ doesn't say, "You should be merciful."
Christ actually demonstrates the action of giving mercy in tangible situations.

Because he did that, people can then understand it. If he only talks about mercy, the people cannot understand it. But, if they see him do it, then they can understand it.

For me, I make the conscious choice to intend to, for example, show proper respect to everyone and love the family of believers.

Not by means of my words, but by my behavior.

Then, if something is wrong with my behavior, then, I "pray for the Lord's discipline, and pray for his rebuke."

David prays to become aware of his own ignorance,

"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my concerns.
See if there is any offensive way in me;
lead me in the way everlasting.

This describes the beginning of a process for the creation of wisdom: if I can change my behavior, then I can create more understanding.

“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
- Luke 6:27-28