What truths do you hold to be self evident about writing?

1. - Writing is the practice of

  • choosing different voices to channel,
  • moving toward voices closer to the center,
  • to uncover the true voice.

2. - Long term, with enough output and reflection, you can track and isolate the core repeated messages of your truest beliefs across a lifetime.

3. - If you write with reckless abandon, as in The Artist’s Way, and you let go of attachment to writing completely, then you stop trying to chase after your own words. You stop trying to collect and hold onto those special, precious words.

Once that happens, you’re simply a transcriber.

And once that happens,

You can write forever, for 16 hours, for days, you can write until the body runs out of fuel on a physical level and you start to get headaches.

Nothing holds back the river anymore. And, someone might have to drag you away from the pen.

4. After several days in a silent meditation, you also realize that, silence, and speaking, and writing, They are all one. Listening.

5. Dostoevsky died after writing the Brother’s Karamazov. This pattern happens enough to think that writing a work of genius may spend a person’s prana/chi/force/essence with fatal results.

Grief notwithstanding, maybe they drained their large accumulators?

6. Writing is the relationship with ourselves and others, as the single, the only observer, watching all of history.

Those authors hid a message in their works for “themselves,” that no one knows, no one sees, no one would believe, except for the author.

The hidden message is this:

The observer, the storyteller, is the “main character”.

All of the deeper stories are written to tell about the storyteller.

This is because: The one who writes the stories Is writing about himself, to himself. To the one who will understand them.

The observers, the outcasts, the seekers, the rebels, the creatives, it’s all the same archetypal story.

It’s all The Hero’s Journey.

It’s all The Divine Child. All The Prodigal.

It’s a far-fetched claim to make, but,

When you look at Jesus Christ in this way, whom contained the divine child archetype and the prodigal archetype, then the sensitive creative type understands that this is what their life is like.

They understand Christ and his personality, because they go through similar experiences that a person like this goes through in conflict with the outside world.

I believe that this perspective or insight is revolutionary to see, because it changes the frame of the scriptures to be about the sensitive artistic heart-centered types of people.

We have all met people that are naturally like a Jesus in their world, and may not even know it.

If one were to take the stories of old as messages of master authors to the storytellers, then one could see that all of the promises of scripture were intended for the seeker, or the creative.

The seeker and the creative are the same, they are labels to identify the heart-centered human.

That would mean that such strange messages that say that, “seek and you will find” –esoteric meaning notwithstanding–, “you can gain all the world,”

are intended for this kind of person that seeks and learns and grows and creates.

That’s quite special of a realization.

- Divi Nie 🧞✨❤️‍🔥

This text was taken from an email sent 09/22/24.

I just happened to see this clip within the last 3 minutes of me publishing this article.
Can you imagine how this story is written to the sensitive type in their world?

What truths do you believe about writing?