The Zen N! #34 - The EZ Question [V1]

The Hard and Many Take Answers. The Easy and Few Ask Questions.

The Focus of The Newsletter

E Z.

Weekly Piece

The EZ Question

The EZ Question is a Strategy:

The EZ Question:

Looking At the Top. Listening Without Conclusion.
Without Self-Bias, Learn from The Top of The Top.

"What is The Question of Questions?"

This question comes first—before anything you ask or do. Otherwise, your results will be less optimal than they could have been.


From the last piece,
Life is a simple game. Life is non-biased. All Life is, is how quickly you can receive simple wisdom and simple ways of operation to become more simple and more effective.

A question of questions: "How Can I learn simple wisdom and simple ways of operation to become more simple and more effective?"

The Game: Caring About Meaning

In Fight Club, Jack's apartment explodes.

"..then a volcanic blast of debris
that used to be your furniture and
personal effects blows out your floor-
to-ceiling windows and sails flaming
into the night."

He felt he had it all,
and it’s all gone,
He’s lost everything.
And none of it made him happy.

If you were in that situation, everything you had didn’t make you happy, your life felt meaningless, now you’ve lost it all and now all you feel is embarrassment. You’re stuck, you have nothing, you’re desperate,

Would you pick up the phone,

And call Tyler Durden to save you?

The change of Jack's life depends on making this call.
You buy furniture. You tell
yourself: this is the last sofa I'll
ever need. No matter what else
happens, I've got the sofa issue
handled. Then, the right set of

This is how we fill up our lives.
I guess so.
And, now it's gone.
All gone.
Oh, yeah, you gotta start making the
What list?

The "now I get to go out and buy the
exact same stuff all over again"
list. That list.

I don't... think so.

Not only did his life not bring him any meaning,
Now he has lost his life and knows that if he tried to get it back, it would still be meaningless. He has no option but to change the game.

But he has to ask the question.

We're on our third pitcher of beer.
Just ask me.


You called me so you could have a
place to stay.

No, I...

Why don't you cut the shit and ask if
you can stay at my place?

Would that be a problem?

Is it a problem for you to ask?

Can I stay at your place?

Yes, you can.

There is another game.
You don't have to operate the way you think the way you have to operate.

Can you see this?

There is a way you think you have to play the game.

What if you didn't?

What if you took another option?

We are trained to take the answers given to us.
Is it a problem for you to ask questions?
Asking a question gives results.

The Hard and Many Take Answers.
The Easy and Few Ask Questions.

What was the Change of The Game?

In Fight Club, Tyler helps Jack stop caring about meaningless things.

The Change of The Game is,
Caring about Meaning.

Caring about meaning is about caring about things that have meaning
in your irreplaceable life.

Meaning is the fundamental human motive.
To seek it you have to ask the fundamental question,
"How do I find meaning?"

Tyler Durden's first step is to stop caring about what doesn't matter.
Stop caring about what has no meaning to you.
Stop playing a meaningless game. Change the game.

Many Lives are Pain in Meaninglessness.
Few Lives are Pleasure in Meaning.

"Somebody asked Charlie Munger about making money. He reinterpreted that and he said what the questioner is actually asking is,

How Do I Get Rich Like You but Faster,
before I end up as a really old guy?"

-How to Get Rich - Naval - YouTube - 2:29

The EZ Question is a strategy of: looking at the top.


The Many are on a Path that is more Difficult the farther they they Go.
The Few are on a Path that becomes more Easy the Higher they Get.

With This Strategy, The Higher You Go The Easier It Gets.

Are you Where you want to be?
Are you Who you want to be?
Would you want to get to where your Inspiration is?

Do you want to take as long as it took them to get there?
Do you want to get there now?

You don't just want to get where they got,
you want to go beyond them–in a shorter amount of time.

“We get these questions a lot from the enterprising young. It’s a very intelligent question: You look at some old guy who’s rich and you ask, 'How can I become like you, except faster?'”

Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up. Discharge your duties faithfully and well. Step by step you get ahead, but not necessarily in fast spurts. But you build discipline by preparing for fast spurts. Slug it out one inch at a time, day by day. At the end of the day â€“if you live long enough â€“ most people get what they deserve.” - Charlie Munger

How Do I Become Like You but Faster,
before I end up old?

How Do I Win?

How? With The Best of The Top of the Top

The EZ Question can give better results than even Charlie Munger can give. The EZ Question is the greatest way of operation ever written.
Understand how.
This is because this not only involves the Top of the Top,
this also involves only the best of the top,
and greater still,
the result all of those tops combined.

The EZ Question

The EZ Question’s process: Take your one core question, then apply these two parts.

  1. Looking: At the Top
  2. Listening: Without Conclusion.

This results in the strategy:

Without Self-Bias, Learn from The Top of The Top.

I had a self-bias that prevented me from looking at the top of the top.

I was frustrated, constantly, endlessly frustrated at the disparity between where I was and where I wanted to be.
No matter who I listened to, the information I read didn't stick. I couldn't apply it to my life and I just felt stuck and privately never getting anywhere.

Then I started asking questions and trusting people who had answers.

Eventually something clicked for me, something changed. I changed.
My pride broke. My Self-Bias. My feeling that I had knowledge, knowing.

You think that others operate more effectively because they are more intelligent or work harder, so they can use more complicated ways to get things done. You think that is the difference between you and them.

This belief has no basis in reality.

Effective people invest in finding the best ways of operation earlier on.

I found an easier way, once I found that the people at the top did the hard work for me so that I didn't have to. The EZ Question explains that way and how to access it.

I believed everything had to be difficult.

I stressed myself out trying to do things and build things, and I believed that everyone above me was smarter and more capable.
I believed I was a certain kind of person and that certain information applied to me. I would read books that â€śI” would read.


I understood one simple fact that changed my trajectory.

The people who are leveling up are on a road that becomes more easy the higher they go.

The higher you go, the easier it gets.

That means their work is becoming less complex, not more complex.

Before explaining Looking and Listening,

The Answer to How to Ask Questions About Questions will be simplified into
E and Z.

The EZ Question

is composed of two parts.

E = Everything

Z = [Wildcard.]

E = Everything.

The E part of the EZ Question is that Question which relates to everything.

What is the question of questions?

Remember this question, memorize it:

What is The Easy Question?

What is the core question?
Is there a better question?


All of reality conforms around the question you ask.
All of reality conforms around asking.
Reality conforms around asking.

Center on a single question.
Center other questions around that single question, considering their relation to it.

Here's a prompt,

“Dig deeper. Find what’s universal.”

What is Deeper? What is Universal? Why?

Everything, everything, everything relates to the question you are asking.
relates to the questions you are asking.

All other methods of operation are obsolete in comparison to The EZ Question.
Goals, focuses, perspectives, ideologies, all methods of operation are obsolete compared to this method:

What is The Easy Question?

What is the core question?
Is there a better question?

Understand this as an ultimate principle:

If You Ask A Question, You Will Receive The Answer.

Here is a question of questions, a question in relation to everything:

What Does it Mean to Be Human?

No one is asking this question. Ask this question, and everyone has a conclusion, as though it were a trivial question.
A conclusion is made, the question is not asked.

You cannot ask a question if you already have a conclusion.

Then, let Z represent, no conclusion.

E = Everything

Z = Wildcard [ No Conclusion.]

[And No Self-Bias.]

By Wildcard I mean, Open-Ended. Potential. Possibility.
Z is a placeholder. Undefined.
This has more context below.

The next question,

How Do I Ask Better Questions?
And Why Should I?

The answer to these are found in two places.

The first is the comprehension that the intuition can be better than it is right now if it is exposed to better conceptual models and integrates them.
This is understated.

In plain English, understand that if you become exposed to certain information, you become permanently smarter than you are now, and this affects how you operate afterwards, forever.
The Trajectory of Your Life Changes Permanently.

The second, is the means to do that. That is, new mental models.

That's all for asking questions about questions, and asking better questions.

On to:

The EZ Question: Looking and Listening.

Looking and Listening describes an ultimate strategy.

This strategy is the only obvious, rational strategy to learning:

Without self-bias, learn from the top of the top.

The EZ Question

Take the core question, and apply the EZ Question, composed of two parts.

  1. Looking.
  2. Listening.

1: Looking

Look at who is at the top.

Look at who is above the top,
Look at who the top person is looking at and learn from that person.

If the person the top person is looking at is a historical figure or too abstract,

then research and study that figure.

See if the person that you’re inspired by has any teachings about what they get from that figure.

For example, Salvador Dali mentions that when he was fifteen he wanted to be Napoleon but later he decided that he wanted to be Dali.

“At the age of six I wanted to be Napoleon–and I wasn’t. At the age of fifteen I wanted to be Dalí and I have been. At the age of twenty-five I wanted to become the most sensational painter in the world and I achieved it. At thirty-five I wanted to affirm my life by success and I attained it. Now at forty-five I want to paint a masterpiece and to save Modern Art from chaos and laziness. I will succeed!”

It's pretty clear that Dali did not choose the same vocation as Napoleon.

Napoleon may be too abstract a figure to learn from,

But you can still expose yourself to the mind of Napoleon, and ask what Dali got from him.

In other cases, look at the father figures of your role models.

I wrote before that this is greater than Munger can give you.

I wrote that The EZ Question is the greatest method ever written.
Here's Why.
Looking not only involves the Top of the Top,
it also involves only the best of the top,
and greater still,
the result all of those tops combined.

Recognize that what your inspirations and the people above you do is they’ve done the hard work for you.

They have already refined and consolidated and made concise the core concepts of their father figure so that you don’t have to parse those out yourself.

If you understand how they have already done the work of giving you the best of the best,

and you think about how that continues down lineages through history, then you would understand how you can gain better information in a shorter amount of time than those who came before you because they’ve done that work for you

The result of all those tops combined:

Because now, instead of spending 20 years, studying one great figure, now you can spend 20 years learning from the very best of 20 great figures, and become the sum total of the best of of those minds.

That is the best of the best of the best of the best.

But you can only do that if you have clear and simple processes mental models to operate from. First, you have to have a simple mind. Then, you can listen.

2 - Listening

Z = [Wildcard] No Conclusion.

To explain listening, I will refine this quote down to its essence three times.
Why? A repetition of 3 helps you remember.

Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the Eternal was stirring at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny;
Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age.
Great men have confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age.

Listening = Confide yourself childlike to the genius of your age.

If you want to be a great person, Listen.
If you want to be a great person, place your mind before the person you want to become, as if your mind was a newborn baby that knew nothing and thought nothing.

This is what it takes. If you want the optimal results:
Choose who you want to become.
Humble yourself before that person.
And Listen.

Great men have confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age.

Consider the cost.

Humility is the cost. You pay the cost of your pride. That is the cost. Your pride is the cost.
Your Delusional Self-Bias is the cost. You have to put down your delusional self-bias to Listen.

If you do not pay this cost, then you pay the cost of your optimal results.

Humility to the Great is another way to say,

Become the Formless, Shapeless, Perfect Student,
to maximize the amount you can learn and level up to where another is.

Everything you bring to the table will only hold you back.

""One of the reasons we are being because we are trying to give you principles which are timeless and not just the winning numbers from yesterday."
- Naval

This is what you should be looking for. Timeless Principles.

Only fools are crazy enough to win. That's true.

But learn the fundamentals first, learn the timeless principles first. Take everything for free.
Then set out on your journey as the fool.
Then, burn anyone you want and play by whatever rules you want and create your own games if that is you desire. Your mileage may vary.

But first, be the fool in a different way.
Be the fool as the student. Be the fool as foolish as a newborn baby.

“As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.”
— Harrington Emerson

Z = No Conclusion - A Great Person Confides Themselves Childlike to the Genius of Their Age.

This concludes the method: The EZ Question.

E = The Easy Question is the question that revolves around everything, around you. All other questions revolve around it. Revolve your life, your business, your thoughts around that question.
That question is your center. Why? Because a center is simple.
And because if you ask, you get.

Z = No Conclusion: A Great Person Confides Themselves Childlike to the Genius of Their Age.

The EZ Question:
Looking At the Top. Listening Without Conclusion.
Without Self-Bias, Learn from The Top of The Top.

Why The EZ Question?

Because The EZ Question is a simple process.

"In a model, the more estimated variables you have,
the greater the error in the model.
More complexity actually gives you a worse answer."
- Naval.

Adding more complexity to a decision making process gives you greater error.
More complexity actually gives you worse results.

The process is simple. Simple does not mean easy. Learning is not an effortless road. Learning is the investment for your life.

The Meta-Concepts here:

1. Center what you do.

Don't be split. Don't be divided. Don't think linearly.
Think about your target as the center of a circle.
Revolve everything around a single center.
Expand out from the center.
Connect everything to your single point.

2. The real point is you.
Revolve what you do around you,
your authenticity, your real.

Life Answers All Questions.

Understand this as an ultimate principle:

If You Ask A Question, You Will Receive The Answer.

Prioritize Finding the Answer to Your Question and You Will Have Results.

Ask a Question of Questions. Center on That Question.

What is Meaningful?

© 2025. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Version 3.


Examples to The EZ Question will come in the next newsletter.
Thanks for Reading! Be Blessed!