The Zen N! #53

The Paths, 0, 1, 2 Part III

The Zen N! #53

I hope you enjoy this newsletter!

The Paths, 0, 1, 2 Part III

In part 2, I said that:

the easiest path, the path of the heart, is also the most difficult path in our world today because the world is incompatible with the heart.

And yet, in reality, the path of the heart is a path we are all on, as it is the path that we transform on.

What I mean is, we make a permanent change when we take an action that aligns with our heart, an action that often looks like something such as: setting a boundary, saying 'No.' These actions create a path over the course of a life.

The heart speaks like this,

“No, I don’t think I will do that anymore. I don’t care. I would rather die. Being that way is unhealthy for me, and so I won’t do that anymore.”


"This person is unhealthy for me and I am cutting them out."

The mind[or, self] makes similar stances, but in a way that harms us.
The mind might say: “Being loving hurt me, so no, I will never love again.”

These changes, these choices, they change the quality and trajectory of our life.

We find that the universe is accommodating to us when we do make these harder choices that value our self worth.

For example, a friend of mine found that he consistently received promotions when he told his superiors, "no, I don't want to do that."

If there were two simple categories for these two kinds of stances:

One might be based in the commitment to our own health, our own worth, [one's own heart.]

The other might be avoidance of pain [the mind.]

1. Commitment to Health of Heart:
"I don't have relationships that treat me like this anymore."


2. Commitment to Avoidance of Pain:
"I will never talk to people again because I got hurt."


[Referring to the above]
1. could be called:
"Closer accordance to the heart."
"Protecting the heart space so the heart can open."

2. could be called:
"The closing of the heart."

The heart, as wild as it is, as religions have so aptly rejected, is radical, uncompromising.

The open heart might say,

"I won't do that because it is not nurturing to me, I just can't do that anymore."

Or it might say,

"I will be kind to everyone even if they reject me, because this is true to me in my nature."

This first path, the path of the heart,
is not possible to access with egoic pursuits because, when you strive for your pursuits, you create a confliction between yourself and your own heart.

That is, you force yourself to be other than you are, you force yourself to reach in a way you do not wish to reach.

Even if you were not following egoic pursuits, this world will punish, hurt, and attack you for not doing things you do not wish to do, or, that your heart does not agree with.

This the the statement that: "You must do this because everyone does this whether we like it or not." The heart does not comply with these motivations and demands.

In this way, the first path, a path of heart, is incompatible with the world.

This means there are two choices/outcomes,

  • 1. You are incompatible with yourself, your self is incompatible with your heart
  • 2. Your self and heart are aligned, and you are incompatible with the world.


What is the heart? What is the heart really?
The heart is a metaphor for the true self and the qualities of the true self.

The metaphor heart is used because this life conditions us to disconnect with, to disassociate from our authentic qualities, such to the point that we no longer associate or connect with our true self, so to say: the real me. We forget that it exists and think we are someone else.

A person disassociates from their true self when they become used to betraying themselves, at a point when they agree with what the world said about themselves and not what they knew was true in their heart. This happens to all of us.

At the point that we turn against ourselves, a division is created, self-trust is broken. This is why no one knows how to trust themselves, they have a relationship with themselves that has no trust. Trust is first made by making different actions, doing what you say you will do[like when you promised to reward yourself for doing something], defending yourself, and so on.

As for what it takes to open a heart: either immense pain, or love.
Immense pain will break open to love, so either way, love opens the heart.

There is a great tragedy that many religions and people know this and will purchase your heart with their love, and then you are a bird in a cage.

-- [If the heart is the true self, then what is what we call the mind?

Then, what we call the normal mind is 'not true'.]

Thank you for Reading! - Tyler <3