
How I Am Is My Choice.

How I Am Is My Choice.

Sounds pretty good to me!

This morning, I had a conversation about being able to feel how you want to feel.

You can't choose how to feel, right?

Well, if you can't choose how to feel, doesn't that make you a prisoner?

If it were possible to choose your own feelings, how important would that be?

If other people determine how you feel, then they control your life.

I suggested this possibility:

  • If outside impressions do not affect you,
  • then you can set an intention for how you want to feel, [ you can learn how to evoke emotions ]
  • and you could move forward feeling that way.

Most people do not know the significance of Newton's First Law of Motion, because it sounds miraculous.

Something in motion stays in motion, at the same speed and velocity, forever.

First Law of Motion: an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Until there is a counterforce to cancel it out, if you threw a ball, it would just keep flying forever, and ever, and ever.

That is what is going on here. If there was no outside force, no outside impression to counteract the way you feel, then, you could feel how you intend to feel. Indefinitely.

The problem is, controlling the intake of impressions sounds challenging.

Is it possible? Yes.

Is it difficult? Yes.

Is it worth it? It is to me.


Well, how would I ever get anything done long-term if I were to sway this way and that, with every passing impression and feeling? How could I ever carve out a single direction?

This might be a boring question to some, but to me, questions like this are critical for understanding our position and the consequences of not learning to become more awake.

My answer is this: When a person begins practicing concentration exercises for a consistent amount of time, two things happen:

1. People realize that: their mind is jumping in focus every few moments, and recognize the insanity of living like this long-term. This is terrifying, and a shock to most people.
2. People realize that: the only thing you have control over is concentration power, focus, and that concentration power is an ingredient in taking clear action.

From this, is the recognition that forces which break concentration power, such as Impressions, must be eliminated.

How can you be yourself if you aren't in control of your own self?
If you 'can't focus,' if you 'can't be in control of your own emotions'
how could you ever "be yourself"?

You have to recognize and admit that there is a problem before you can seek a solution.

It would be hard to accomplish this ability, but..

G.I. Gurdjieff said,
"I love him who loves work."

This morning I added to that.

I love him who loves work, and he who loves work is loved by man.


I'm working on writing something on forgiveness, about how letting people affect how you feel is letting them hold power over you.

Yes. I'm still offering to be your personal intuitive support, the price is pay what you will. Not sure what you want to focus on in sessions? That's okay.

It's hard to know what you want when you can't trust yourself, when you can't trust your silent inner voice. That's something we could upgrade you on too. I love upgrades.

Stay Blessed,

Tyler Choice
Tyler Choice - YouTube